A Proven Record of Service

I work for you!

Willowick Ward 1 Councilman (1972-1977), Willowick City Council President (1980-1982)

Member, Ohio House of Representatives (1983-1996) During his tenure, he served as Chair of the House Select Committee on Solid and Hazardous Waste, Chair of the Education Subcommittee of the House Finance and Appropriations Committee, Co-Chair of the Joint House- Senate Education Oversight Committee, and Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. 

Lake County Commissioner (1999-2018)

Governing Board President, Northeast Ohio Area Wide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) (2004 and 2016)

President, County Commissioners Association of Ohio(2008 and 2018)

Director, National Association of Counties Board of Directors (2011-2018)

Ohio House of Representatives, Current Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee.

With a distinguished career at various levels of government, Dan has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership and commitment to public service. His extensive experience reflects a deep dedication to effective governance and regional development, showcasing his ability to drive impactful policies, initiatives, and work in a bipartisan fashion that benefits all Ohioans.

Current Legislative Profile

Currently, Representative Troy is focused on advancing several key legislative initiatives. Some of his work includes fighting for a significant increase in the homestead exemption to provide greater property tax relief for our seniors on fixed incomes. Additionally, he is working to establish greater supplemental benefits for senior citizen SNAP recipients to enhance food security for that vulnerable population. He is also the sponsor of an effort to re-create the Student Choice Grant Program, which would offer a tuition subsidy to Ohio students attending non-public Ohio colleges and universities. Furthermore, Rep. Troy is advocating for increased criminal penalties for those who intimidate or threaten election officials in an effort to strengthen the integrity and safety of the electoral process.

Overview: Increase the amount and the income eligibility of the homestead exemption program. 

Status: Pending a 3rd hearing in the House Ways and Means Committee

1. HB 60

Overview: Designate James A. Garfield Day in Ohio 

Status: Signed into law

2. HB 61

Overview: Designate May as older Ohioans month 

Status: Passed through the House, now waiting hearings in the Senate

3. HB 173

Overview: Toughens requirements to serve and mandate consumer representation on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, increasing accountability, reducing regulatory capture, enhancing public trust, and improving utility services. 

Status: Pending 2nd hearing in House Public Utilities Committee

4. HB 363

Overview: Requires the Department of Jobs and Family Services to provide a supplemental benefit allotment to qualifying seniors citizens households participating in the SNAP program 

Status: Pending 2nd hearing in the House Government Oversight

5. HB 428

Overview: Provides eligible private, nonprofit college or university enrolled Ohio students with a grant equaling 25% of the average per-pupil state subsidy that goes to public institution enrolled students, helping to reduce the “ brain drain” of students from Ohio. 

Status: Pending 3rd hearing in the House Higher Education Committee

6. HB 462

Overview: Increase criminal penalty for intimidating an election official. 

Status: Pending 1st hearing in the Criminal Justice Committee

7. HB 528

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