Dan Troy

A voice of reason
for Ohio


Daniel P. Troy is an experienced and productive State Representative with extensive experience at the city,  county, and state levels of government. He is respected throughout the State of Ohio as a knowledgeable voice on state and local issues. As a senior member of the Ohio House, he has been a steadfast advocate for Northeast Ohio while consistently demonstrating integrity and leadership.  Representative Troy has been instrumental in securing over $30 million in state funding to address critical needs in Lake and Cuyahoga Counties. He is often recognized for not only his bipartisan approach, but also his willingness to compromise to get things done for his constituents and the State of Ohio.

Dan’s Record

Throughout his career, Representative Troy has earned widespread acclaim for his commitment to the people of Ohio. Most notably, he was recently honored as the Democratic Legislator of the Year by the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Ohio’s leading business association. Last term, he was recognized as Legislator of the Year by the Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging for his dedication to addressing the needs and challenges of Ohio’s aging population. He has also received many additional awards over the years for his commitment to improvements in public education and protecting our environment.

To learn more about Dan’s work, you can visit the Ohio House of Representatives’ website


  • Working tirelessly to reform Ohio’s property tax system to not only reduce the burden for seniors on fixed incomes, but also to create circuit breakers to minimize increases in property taxes resulting from property re-evaluations.  As a member of Ohio’s Elder Abuse Commission, he has successfully increased the penalty for failure to report elder abuse, and has advocated for   stronger protections and enforcement against the scammers and schemers that prey on  our seniors’ financial security and well-being.

  • He has, and will continue to advocate for adequate funding and legoislation to support our public safety forces and our health care professionals. He has been endorsed by associations representing our police officers, firefighters, doctors and nurses. Dan’s commitment reflects a belief that ensuring that those who provide our community’s most critical services have the resources and support they need to protect our families.

  • Advocates for shifting away from heavy reliance on local property taxes for school funding, while pushing for a substantial increase in state contributions to ensure more equitable and stable financial support for schools.

  • Advocates for more accessible and affordable healthcare for all, and does not support government intrusion into what really should be personal medical decisions.

  • Opposes gerrymandering and advocates for fairer redistricting practices, such as the principles outlined in State Issue 1 on the ballot this November. Voters should be able to choose their representatives; representatives should not be able to choose their voters.

  • Stresses the crucial role of bipartisan cooperation in achieving effective and meaningful governance, believing that collaborative efforts between parties are essential for addressing complex challenges and enacting policies that benefit all citizens.

  • Works tirelessly to restore trust and integrity in the Ohio legislature by championing transparency, ethical conduct, and accountability in all legislative activities. Committed to fostering principled leadership and open communication, Rep. Troy strives to rebuild public confidence and ensure that the legislature genuinely represents and serves the best interests of all Ohioans.
